– CD Accountable Officer Information
Each NHS Area Team is required under the Health Act 2006 and The Controlled Drugs (Supervision of Management and Use) Regulations 2006 regulations to have an appointed Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer who has a governance role overseeing the management of controlled drugs in its particular locality.
A copy of NHS England’s Single Operating Model for controlled drugs can be accessed here: Single Operating Model.
This Single Operating Model covers:
- The role of NHS England
- The role of the lead Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer at Area Team level.
- The establishing, operating and constitution of the Local Intelligence Networks (LIN), including suggested membership, suggested terms of reference and template agendas
- The relationship with Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
- Destruction of Controlled Drugs
- Resources for Area Teams
- Reports and records
- Transition and legacy
- Future issues
This operating model also provides a number of templates for use within Area Teams although it is recognised that some local changes may take place.
Contact information for CD destruction may be found here: http://cpny.co.uk/resources/nhs-england-yorkshire-humber-pharmacy-contact-list/.
And the relevant form can be downloaded here: CD Destruction Authorised Request Form.