Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks

Queries on Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks on pharmacy staff  are often directed to CPNY due to the partaking in more NHS services by contractors.

Please see the collated information below.

Essential services – there is no NHS regulatory requirement for pharmacy contractors to have undertaken DBS checks on pharmacy staff providing Essential services.

Advanced services – there is no NHS regulatory requirement for pharmacy contractors to have undertaken DBS checks on pharmacy staff providing Advanced services (MURs, Appliance Use Reviews, Stoma Appliance Customisation). However where a pharmacy contractor requests permission from NHS England to undertake MURs or any other service off the pharmacy premises, e.g. at the patient’s house or a residential home, NHS England requires that the pharmacist undergoes an enhanced DBS check before giving consent.  If it requires enhanced DBS checks, then the Policy and Procedures of NHS England state that these may be paid for by the Area Team.

Locally Commissioned Services and Enhanced Services – commissioners have the right to impose conditions for the provision of locally commissioned services. If the commissioner requires enhanced DBS checks as a pre-condition of providing a locally commissioned service, then the costs of the checks would usually be recovered either directly from the commissioner, or more likely from the income for providing the service.

Each organisation should run a risk assessment on the roles within the Pharmacy to decide who should have a check and at what level that should be. This includes contracted staff, temporary staff, bank staff, practitioners working under practising privileges, volunteers, students and learners. Common roles within the Pharmaceutical Industry that may require a check include:

  • Pharmacists
  • Pharmacy Technicians
  • Dispensing Technicians
  • Drugs Delivery Drivers
  • Healthcare Assistants
  • Managers

For a government overview and further information on DBS checks visit: https://www.gov.uk/disclosure-barring-service-check/overview


DBS Factsheet – Summary of Regulated Activity Relating to Adults

DBS Referrals Guide – Summary of Regulated Activity with Children

North Yorkshire County Council

North Yorkshire County Council are a registered umbrella body with the DBS and can provide a checking service to other organisations (i.e. Pharmacies)

NYCC DBS checking service