Sexual Health Service (YorSexualHealth)
From 1st July 2015 new integrated sexual health services called “YorSexualHealth” will be delivered across York and North Yorkshire, and will replace all previous service provision commissioned by the Local Authorities.
This is the new Integrated Sexual Health Service that NYCC has commissioned York FT to provide. NYCC will continue to contract directly with community pharmacies and GP practices to provide access to sexual health services in primary care.
York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been awarded contracts by North Yorkshire County Council and City of York Council to deliver integrated services, and will be subcontracting with MESMAC, North Yorkshire Aids Action and local GP’s to deliver elements of service provision.
Access to services will be improved through the introduction of a new single booking system (see booking services below). In addition, from 1st July there will no longer be ‘standalone’ Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) or Contraception (CaSH) clinics, but instead all sexual health clinics will offer a full range of sexual health and contraceptive services, meaning that more people will be able to have all their needs met in one place.
The new services will deliver community outreach interventions to most at risk populations, in order to provide easy access to information, support, HIV and STI testing, contraception and free condoms. They will also include the provision of a range of support for people living with HIV and their carers.
Sexual Health Service Provided in Community Pharmacies Service Specification (Nov 17)
Ulipristal PGD (NYCC 2021_CP10)
Levonorgestrel PGD (NYCC_2021_CP05)
Emergency Contraception Decision Tree v2.0
Useful Information
The New Sexual Health Service and PharmOutcomes
Information for Professionals
The YorSexualHealth website is being developed to include a ‘professionals arm’ The site will include information on:
- sexual health resources– downloadable national and local resources for patients/service users
- training – details of training programme, online booking and online training packages
- referrals – referral criteria and online referrals for the integrated service, specialist clinical outreach team and counselling services
- ordering – online ordering of condoms (condom distribution service) and Chlamydia screening programme resources
- research and clinical information – current topics and guidelines
- primary care – partnership working developments
Training Presentations
Please see Powerpoint slides produced for Sexual Health training sessions:
Pharmacy Training Introduction
YorSexualHealth Pharmacy EHC Training Slides July 17
YorSexualHealth Chlamydia Screening Condom Distribution Slides July 2017
YorSexualHealth Safeguarding-CSE Pharmacy Training July 17
Clinical Support
From 1st July our YSH ‘clinician of the day’ will be available to talk to professionals about any clinical concerns or queries they may have. A ‘duty nurse’ will also be available to discuss any sexual health issues and will be able to help facilitate access to the appropriate clinic for individual patients/service users.
They can be contacted by phone on 01904 72111 (dedicated extension for advice), or by email
When sending emails to this address, or using our ‘contact us’ form (, please do not include any patient identifiable information.
Further Bulletins
As the service develops we will continue to produce briefings which we think you will find helpful. These will include information on:
Condom Distribution Service
Chlamydia Screening Programme
Clinical networks
Training Programme
YorSexualHealth Primary Care Partnerships
Pharmacists signed up to the NYCC sexual health contract will need to register with the YorSexualHealth (YSH) Condom Distribution Scheme in order to be able to order free condoms
Chlamydia Screening kits will soon be available to order online. In the meantime please phone YSH on 01904 725440 or e-mail For information about training available to support the contract, please contact YSH.
If you would like to contact us please email or phone 01904 721111.