Smoking Cessation

North Yorkshire County Council has brought its smoking cessation service for community pharmacy back in-house under the ‘Living Well Smokefree’ scheme with effect from 1st May 2019.

As well as the NRT voucher scheme, a PGD has been developed and approved to enable the supply of Varenicline by accredited community pharmacists to patients accessing the smoking cessation service, in accordance with the service specification, as commissioned by NYCC.

If you are an approved provider of pharmacy services in North Yorkshire you are eligible to offer these services on behalf of the Council. The specifications for the services are below for your information and consideration. You may sign up to deliver any of the services individually (smoking cessation, NRT voucher scheme or provision of Varenicline) or as a collective.

The services may only be delivered by individuals who have completed the required training:

  • Registered Advisors who have undertaken refresher training within the last 12 months can deliver the service(s) with immediate effect;
  • Registered Advisors who have not had training within the last 12 months, will need to undertake the annual refresher training before being able to commence service delivery;
  • New Registered Advisors will need to complete the online training and also attend the face to face training session delivered by the Specialist Living Well Smokefree Service (full training requirements are detailed within the Service Specification).

Smoking Cessation in Community Pharmacies Service Specification

NRT Voucher Scheme – Service Specification

NRT Voucher Scheme – Appendix 1

NRT Voucher Scheme – Appendix 2

NRT Voucher Scheme – Appendix 3

NRT Voucher Scheme – New voucher cross function – Appendix 4

NRT Voucher Scheme – Change of voucher process – Appendix 5

NRT Voucher Scheme – GP letter process – Appendix 6

Varenicline (Champix) PGD (NYCC 2019_CP04) signed

Section 4 – Community Pharmacy Sign Up Sheet



Living Well Smokefree Update Aug 2021


If your organisation is interested in delivering this service, please complete the above sign-up sheet, indicating your current level of training, and return to


If you require any further information about the service, please contact the Living Well Smokefree Service on 01609 797272, or Phillippa Selstrom, Health Improvement Manager on 01609 536836,