CPCF Five-Year Deal
22nd July 2019
Contractor summary:
Other key elements of the deal can be summarised as follows:
- The five-year deal represents a series of agreements in principle, with detail of new services and payments to be negotiated on an annual basis by October each year.
- Although the overall quantum of funding and the key elements within that have been agreed for 2019/20, accelerated discussions are ongoing and further details will be made available to contractors over the coming months.
- From October 2019, there will be some immediate structural changes to funding including the phasing out of MURs and the Establishment Payment, but these monies are being reinvested into the sector.
- Contractors will receive monthly transitional payments in the second half of 2019/20 and again in 2020/21 in recognition of costs associated with changes such as integration into Primary Care Networks, preparation for Serious Shortage Protocols and implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive.
- Contractors can earn additional payments for meeting quality targets under the renamed Pharmacy Quality Scheme (formerly the Quality Payments Scheme).
- A new national NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service is being commissioned from this autumn, which will bring together the national NUMSAS and local DMIRS pilots into one national service.
- An increasing use of technology and other enablers, to seek to make the dispensing process as efficient as practicable.
- Other elements of the deal include the continuation of the Pharmacy Access Scheme (PhAS) and the use of the Pharmacy Integration Fund to fund pilot services which may, if successful, be commissioned nationally from pharmacies.
- All agreements are outlined in a joint CPCF Agreement Document.
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