Submitting Your National Audit Results

Community pharmacy contractors are reminded they need to submit their national audit results within 2 weeks of their chosen audit period ending.

Pharmacy teams should collate their results and then submit these using NHS England’s online reporting system using the links below by the following dates:

Audit period  Data collection ends Deadline for submission of collated data Online reporting system address for submitting collated data
1 Sunday 5th April 2015 Sunday 19th April 2015
2 Sunday 19th April 2015 Sunday 3rd May 2015

The above links will take you to NHS England’s online reporting system. Once there, click on ‘Online Survey’ and then work through the questions adding your collated results (from Form B or Form C) for each question. For example, if an emergency supply was made to three patients aged 18-34 and four patients aged 65 or over, the following numbers should be typed in response to question 1 on the online form: 17 or under = 0, 18-34 = 3, 35-64 = 0, 65 or over = 4.

PSNC has been receiving queries from those pharmacy teams who have already completed the audit on the emergency supply of medicines and are unsure of how to submit their results. Therefore, they have produced the following briefing document to assist you:

PSNC Briefing 021/15: Submission of emergency supply audit results to NHS England

It is expected that the collated results of the audit will be published later in 2015 and the data will be used by NHS England and CCGs to consider whether they can work with GP practices and community pharmacies in order to improve services to patients.