Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

The responsibility for producing and publishing PNAs now lies with the Health and Wellbeing Boards, and the next PNA has to be published by April 1st 2015.

The LPC is working with the HWBs towards this aim. Questionnaires were circulated to stakeholders, the public, GPs, dispensing GPs and pharmacies to get a picture of where we are and areas where there may be gaps.

Due to resource restrictions, these questionnaires could only be completed on line, but they accept that some pharmacies cannot access the survey via the link due to company firewall restrictions, and in these circumstances, the questionnaire could be downloaded, completed and emailed to them.

More  details about the PNA are available on the PNA website


Deadline for completion of questionnaires was July 18th 2014, and the LPC is involved in the development of this PNA.